07 January 2009

Cooper-Young (6/365)

Cooper-Young (6/365), originally uploaded by The Spacebase.

The intersection that gives my neighborhood its name, as seen from my passenger seat.

Brought to you by the miracle of Gorilla Pod.

06 January 2009

Self-Portrait at Eclectic (5/365)

at Eclectic (5/365), originally uploaded by The Spacebase.

I spent a rainy afternoon off at Cafe Eclectic on the other side of Midtown drinking Americanos, reading poetry, writing poetry, and figuring out how to make a new Automator workflow to help me use iPhoto more effectively.

(The workflow, by the way, takes photos added to a specific folder in my Dock, adds them to a specific album in iPhoto, and then moves them to the Trash.

I created this because my desk job frequently necessitates the use of public-domain/CC-licensed photos in Keynote presentations. It's just easier to use Keynote's Media Browser to find photos in iPhoto than to dig through Finder windows and what-have-you.)

04 January 2009

screenprint (4/365)

screenprint (4/365), originally uploaded by The Spacebase.

Screen for a print I made of Kerry and Myself. It sits directly above my desk, in the window for which I never found blinds.

(I know #3 is missing; Kerry and I spent the last day in Nashville, meeting my family somewhat less than halfway. Like an idiot, I forgot my camera. My sister did not, and I'll try to snag one from her.)